

Koda is a therapy dog at Joshua Tree. He is Lauren's dog and joins her in sessions at the Oracle location. See disclaimer below.

Location: Oracle location and in sessions with Lauren Marks
Client Focus: Everyone and Anyone
Specialty Areas: Regulation, Grounding, Comfort, Curiosity


Disclaimer: While Koda and Lauren have participated in training with a professional dog trainer, it is important to remember that Koda is an animal, and animals can be unpredictable. While Koda is screened by a veterinarian on a regular basis and is current on his Rabies vaccination, animals do sometimes carry disease however we believe your risk is low due to the minimal contact you will have with Koda. While we have listed some common risks to having a therapy dog on premises, we cannot foresee all potential risks. You will be asked to review and sign a release of risk and acknowledgement that Koda is on premises in the Informed Consent document.